Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Our First Proper Baby Scan

Technically this is not our first scan. We have actually had three scans before getting to this point!

The first was at 5 weeks (supposed to be 6) when we could only see the yolk sac and were told that there was a 50% chance this could turn into a viable fetus.

The second was at 7 weeks, when my bladder mass was spotted but luckily so was a very strong little heartbeat on a little blob that didn't quite resemble a baby!

I was then lucky enough to be able to watch our very very lively little magic bean jump all over the screen at an impromptu emergency scan that my very lovely doctor offered me at around 10 weeks. Unfortunately we didn't know this scan was going to happen so Tom wasn't there and I took my mum with me for that appointment.

I was then lucky enough to be able to listen to the very healthy heartbeat and blood flow to the placenta right after my operation at around 14 weeks. Unfortunately family aren't allowed into recovery and so Tom missed out again.

This time we were both ready and very excited for our scan, which would not be our official dating scan as we were too late for that and would also not be our 18-20 week anatomy scan as we were too early for that.

Still it was amazing for us both to be able to see the baby on the screen together and he/she was as lively as ever, totally unaffected by my surgery.

We don't know if its a boy or a girl yet, she did try to get a really good look but sadly baby was being awkward. We only have a few weeks to wait now until our next one and all of a sudden this pregnancy seems to be moving along very quickly!

Katie xxx

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