Friday, August 24, 2018

Sharing my story and the first steps to raising more awareness for bladder cancer

The first few weeks after being told I potentially had bladder cancer were the hardest. Going through investigative treatment, not knowing if the baby would be okay and the agonising wait for results were one thing, but the other was the feeling of being totally alone.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Last birthday before baby

I remember turning 23 so vividly. I was in Italy at the time with my parents. I had just graduated from uni, I had just been dumped from my 4 and a half year relationship and I had been kicked out of my house. I didn't know what was next for me and I felt thoroughly miserable. Turning 23 felt like the universe sticking the knife in a little bit further...I felt sooooooo old! (Ha!)

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Not all disabilities and illnesses are visible

I didn’t get chance to  post a blog this week, I had loads lined up and ready to go but then I had a very busy week to contend with and I didn't get chance! Although not the one I had originally planned to share, this seemed like a much better post for today.