Monday, August 19, 2019

Macmillan coffee morning 2019!

This time last year I was gearing up for my Macmillan coffee morning, which we decided to do instead of/for my baby shower.

It was a lovely day and we manged to raise over £200 for Macmillan which makes me so happy because they really were the first people I turned to after receiving my diagnosis.

Their leaflets gave me the FACTS about bladder cancer, not just some of the sensationalised and scary stuff I found online and they helped my family to better understand what I was facing so they could be there to support me in the best ways!

The time is fast approaching for this years coffee morning, on Friday 27th September 2019! and Macmillan asked me to help spread the word. This year I was very excited to get Oscar to help me do this! So keep your eyes peeled for our little video:

And get yourselves signed up to host your own! 

Katie xxx

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