Sunday, June 24, 2018

Really couldn't resist a bit of a gender reveal!

After everything that's been going on the last few months it's suddenly so nice and a little strange to have things to celebrate again, especially when it comes to this pregnancy. We are now more than half way through what has so far been a pretty stressful pregnancy and suddenly it feels like its flying by.

Monday, June 18, 2018

My Diagnosis and what it means

The most nervous I have been through out this whole process was on Tuesday 5th June. Results Day! After the surgery I had put this day as far to the back of my mind as I possibly could, high on the thought of our new life.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Can I talk pregnancy now?!

With everything that has been going on almost from the very start of my pregnancy I haven't really dared to allow myself to acknowledge that it was actually happening. So much so that I've made it to 19 weeks already!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Prepping for my very first surgery

The last week before the op was hard. My symptoms became more noticeable, I was uncomfortable most of the time and didn't really feel comfortable going far from the house. It was scary because up until now I hadn't really had many symptoms (except for the blood) but that was pretty painless to start with and I'd been determined not to let it stop me living a normal life.