Thursday, November 28, 2019

BCG Week Three

Cuddles with Oscar after a day at his grandmas. 

This blog was supposed to be published yesterday but I fell asleep and by the time I woke up Oscar was home so I decided to put it on hold until this morning.
Week 3 of BCG was a little harder mentally after my unintentional week off. I was officially no longer "in the zone" and by the time we got to the hospital I was pretty nervous and out of sync with everything. 

Treatment itself was a little more uncomfortable too. As soon as the catheter went in I knew about it...imagine instantly feeling like you're so incredibly desperate for a wee that its painful, but you know for a fact that your bladder is completely empty. Then as soon as the BCG went in and the catheter came out I felt completely fine again. 

The whole time leading up to BCG I believed that the day after BCG would be the worst but thankfully (kind of) I was wrong. 

Day two is good, maybe too good!? I feel tired and groggy and my bladder definatly figured out something's going on but its not freaking out too much at the moment (touch wood). I'm feeling good enough to crack on with a few things around the house and a little bit of work on my business and then an hour or so in I'm wondering why I'm in desperate need of a nap! 

I am constantly trying to remind myself to take it slow, sit down more, drink more, watch more Christmas cookery shows....

So day two is okay...turns out day one is the kicker, in fact I can literally set my watch by the worst part of BCG and its 12:15pm every Tuesday afternoon. In fact Tom rang me right at this point on Tuesday and I'm afraid to say he did not get the best reception. In that moment I literally hated every single being who was not currently going through the pain of BCG.

I go from pretty chilled out just before 12, counting down the seconds until my first lovely caffeine fix, then ten minutes later I need the loo. All fine pretty standard stuff, no pain. You think you've got away with it this week, maybe!? ...then boom, five minutes later feeling a bit hot, a bit sick, head starts to hurt and oh my god I am desperate for the loo again. Start to feel very tired and cold, and oh wow it burns and then I'm desperate for a wee again.

I gave up running up and down the stairs to the bathroom and decided to just get comfy on the bathroom floor for the first half hour or so. 

The pain is weird, the worst of it is over in seconds but you feel it to your very core and it takes your breath away, then its replaced with a dull ache that kind of just lingers and forces you to sit with a hot water bottle all afternoon. 

It starts of pretty awful, get a bit worse and then gradually improves over the next few hours as you realise you're getting up to go to the loo at slightly longer intervals. The most annoying thing about this week is that these toilet trips continued into the night. I was up 5 times which added to my tiredness and my stress levels as I danced my way along the corridor avoiding every creaky floorboard and praying that Oscar stayed fast asleep. 

But all in all I can't complain, I'm so happy that we were able to crack back on with treatment this week and we're officially past the half way point! 

Thanks for reading :) 

Katie xxx

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