Friday, December 13, 2019

BCG Week Five

Well it’s a been a week: Somewhere between keeping up with Christmas orders for my business and getting overly emotional about the election, by Thursday night I well and truly crashed. Thank god we got the telly sorted in our bedroom just in time! 
Week five of BCG was no joke! Like same, same but different. I was shattered, getting all sorts of aches and pains in my bladder and a wierd heavy feeling in my abdomen that’s kept me glued to my hot water bottle. I got nausea to rival those early pregnancy days so I’ve not really been feeling food much. I’m so paranoid an infection is imminent that I’ve not touched coffee but I’ve got through two bottles of Ribena already. 

My joints, particularly my knees, wrists and ankles are also starting to feel it. There stiff and achey and giving me all sorts of insight into life as an 80 year, which makes running around after a one year old so much more exciting.  

despite of all that, or quite possibly because of it (and that desperate need/insecurity to not be seen as I’ll, incapable, in need of any sort of sympathy/pity)....I’ve had a pretty good week and got quite a lot done! Its amazing how much online shopping you can do in bed!) Christmas shopping (presents and alcohol) is complete! Our freezer is full to bursting with gluten free Christmas party food and pastry. I’m in the process of teaching Oscar all about bedtime snuggles...he’s really taken to it, or more likely he’s another big fan of the new bedroom tv (cecbeebies any time of day...or night 🙄)

Only one more week to go and I can not wait to be done! Bring on week 6 and then bring on Christmas! 

Thanks for reading :) 

Katie xxx

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