Friday, March 20, 2020

The state of things....

This blog is and has always been about navigating a new life with cancer. Right now life seems very surreal and scary, but also still whilst living with cancer.

It's been a hard pill to swallow, acknowledging that even in times of global crises I still have to deal with cancer. My Bladder has never felt like more of an inconvenience than it does right now and trust me, that's definitely saying something.

I have spent the last two and a half years coming to terms with my new normal and doing everything I can to keep things ticking over as much in the same way as before. I have gone out of my way never to be seen as vulnerable, or treated as lesser in a society so determined to shove me into that 'sick person' box.

My reality is that I am perfectly capable of looking after myself, my family and my life. I have pushed myself further than I ever would have done pre-cancer in a bid to prove that I can do everything and anything that I set my mind to despite my diagnosis and I don't plan for any of this to change.

Unfortunately the current Covid-19 pandemic is doing a number on those of us with the underlying health conditions. Facing up to the reality that I may or may not (honestly the lack of any solid information on this has been the hardest part) be higher risk.

We have erred on the side of caution and chosen to self isolate. But let's be blunt here. We would have done this anyway as this is the government advice for everyone.

This is not a case of the sick, elderly and vulnerable hiding away from the world and letting the rest of society battle on for them. This disease can and does affect everyone, everyone has the potential to become seriously ill, no matter how unlikely that may be and absolutely everyone can carry and spread this virus. Please do not paint yourself as a hero for continuing on with your daily life. Please do not paint half of society as weak (or worse still expendable) for being more susceptible.

We are all in this together regardless of our health and we are all being asked to do one thing...socially distance ourselves for the sake of everyone. This will only works if we all work as a team. Leave the heroics to the skilled workers and stay the fuck at home!

No one in the world wants this to be happening, we would all be a lot happier if we could carry on as normal. Social isolation is detrimental to everybody's mental health and financial health...Unfortunately this is the situation we find ourselves in and the sooner we all accept our new and TEMPORARY normal, the sooner we will all hopefully be able to get back too it.

Another little reminder, those with 'underlying health conditions' are also hoping to get back to their normal lives too, lives that already involve a certain amount of fear over their health, hospital appointments, potentially painful procedures and life saving treatments. They have been living with fear and questions regarding their own mortality way longer than you have and so far as I'm aware they have always managed to do this without buying excessive amounts of toilet roll...

We are living in extremely challenging and unprecedented times. These moments in history tend to bring out extreme reactions and create defining moments. You have an opportunity here to decide exactly what kind of actions you are going to take, what kind of person you want to be. Sometimes being brave is just accepting that you're going to make the most of your new reality, no matter how much you really really don't want to.

If you really want to help, why not get creative with ways you can spread happiness and positivity to those around you within the confines of social distancing. There will be a world on the other side of this, lets make sure it's one in which we are all a little bit closer.

Sorry, not sorry for the rant.

Thanks for reading,

Katie xxx

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